Domino is a simple game premise: arrange dominoes on a table and then push one over to cause a chain reaction, with dominoes falling until all have reached the ground. Achieve success requires careful planning so that when one domino reaches its intended destination, everything else follows naturally in sequence.
As part of this, it’s vital for writers to map out the sequence of their scenes. Regardless of whether you prefer freewriting or using Scrivener for outline creation, planning out your sequence ensures each scene logically connects to its predecessor while helping identify any scenes which don’t add anything worthwhile to your plot arc.
Domino (Nicki Aycox), while serving in the Six Pack mercenary group, encountered Copycat (Vanessa Carlyle). But after being trapped in Yucatan by an unexpected mission failure, she managed to prove Copycat as being false and expose him as an impostor.
Once freed by Cable, Domino returned to X-Force. However, during Operation Zero Tolerance she was captured by Gryaznova, a Prime Sentinel with an implant which interfered with her synaptic relays, severely disrupting her coordination and rendering her unconscious. As punishment, the Six Pack attacked Gryaznova’s facility; however Domino managed to regain her mind and return home before they did so.
Domino is gifted with the power of manipulating probabilities through her Probability Field. By engaging in random telekinetic actions that influence probability in her favor and cause unlikely events to transpire, she can subliminally and psionically influence probability in favor of Domino. Unfortunately, however, she lacks control over their outcomes, often causing more harm than good with her acts.
Due to her injuries, Domino is forced to spend much of her time in Hell’s Kitchen. While there, she encounters a group of women trying to steal Kwannon (Dominique Dunne). After an intense fight ensues between them and Domino, she reveals herself as being mutant by teleporting them away and sending a warning of impending doom for all involved.
Later while out working for Wolverine, Domino enters a cemetery where she encounters Chimera, Spiral, and Lady Deathstrike who have unearthed Kwannon’s remains. After confronting them she manages to take back control of her own body and strike back. Finally rejoining X-Force she encountered Cable at his safe house before almost encountering assassin Blockade, whom Jesse Aaronson managed to disarm using machinery disruption so as to disable Blockade’s implant so she rejoined X-Force to fight Code Red; eventually meeting up with Cable at his safe house before rejoining with rest of X-Force to fight back Code Red alongside Cable at Cable’s safe house before meeting Cable again at Cable’s safe house before meeting up with Cable at Cable’s safe house before fighting alongside Cable at Cable’s safe house before finally rejoining forces against Code Red; that included an explosive run-in at Cable’s safe house where she nearly met up with an almost fatal Blockade who used his power against her implant against her before Jesse Aaronson managed to use his powers against it all thus disarming Blockade’s implant thus disarming it allowing Domino back onto her team once more!